Sunday, 18 May 2014

Stella: 3 months gone

It's been 3 months since Stella passed away. We continue to miss our Stella Belle like crazy and wishing she was here to see my belly grow and to be part of the excitement of it all as well as helping us pack! 
wink emotico
 As time passes I continue to wonder what she would be doing especially when I see other kids growing and developing. It's been a very hard few weeks for me as the season changes we would be outside with Stella at the park, she would be wearing the spring clothes I got for her (and the white jacket she got for xmas from Grandma and Grandpa shown in the photo), she would be talking up a storm and may have let me do something with her hair?

Here is Stella's 3 month old update. I will continue to repost my monthly updates as she grew and now as time passes without her. We miss you Munchkin Girl!

Stella's 3 month update

Hi Everyone,
I am now 3 months old, boy does time fly when you are having fun. This past month I have been busy, I was babysat by Grandma and Grandpa and my Gran while Mommy went to a concert, also Mommy and Daddy went to Cirque de Soleil and also went for dinner to celebrate their 1 year wedding anniversary. Gran threw me a baby shower with all of my parents friends and I was spoiled rotten with love and pressies. 

I went to where Mommy and Daddy went to university for dinner to Morty's and I went to a soccer party where I met my 5 other friends who were born just after I was. I had my first thanksgiving dinner and met new friends through two playdates with home and Soccer friends. Mommy and I love to shop together!

Mommy and Daddy have started to train me to sleep longer at night and its working! I only feed every 4 hours during the day now that my tummy is bigger and I slept 8 hours last night! My eyes look even bigger now (they also are lighter blue) and I smile a lot now. I like to copy what Mommy and Daddy do- faces and making different sounds. I've also discovered my hands last week...they are so interesting! I haven't grown too much this past month but I am making up for it in development! I have strong legs and can hold my self up with Daddy's help. I am working on rolling over and have gone to my side twice! My head is super sturdy, my legs can push hard and my hands are starting to grip objects tightly!

I love hanging out on my playmat for over half an hour at a time...I kick like crazy and swat the toys. I also sleep in my crib in my own room now! My hair is filling in on top (Daddy keeps messing it up!) and its changing to look more like Mommy and Daddy's lighter hair. Everyone says I look like my Daddy,which Mommy doesn't mind.
Here are some photos of me.
Love Stella xox