I sat in bed last night thinking about how today it has been 9 months still Stella grew her angel wings. Life although it has been moving forward quickly feels like it is at a stand still regarding Stella. I continually struggle with this thought as its mind blowing she is still not here with us. We are generally doing great as we have been given a new joy with Hudson in our lives but its not the same without our sweet girl. Hearing friends daughters say his name so cutely in different ways and watch them interact is so nice to experience but a sad reminder of what Stella might be doing and saying at 28 months old. Gearing up for Christmas reminds me of so many great times together. Oh how this Christmas would have been different with two kids to sit on Santa's lap. I think this is a good chance for me to look at some of her videos, its been a little while, in the meantime, here is Stella's 9 month update. It's amazing how much growth and development happens in 9 months time. I feel like it was yesterday I posted her 8 month update.
We love you Munchkin Girl!
I am now 9 months old! We just got back from Mexico, where we celebrated Grandma's birthday..I also turned 9 months old while there. I am a pretty strong crawler now on my hands and knees but I still prefer to walk and am obsessed with walking! I pick up a lot of speed and run to Daddy and after my cousin. I also let go of the hands and stand for up to 5 seconds or so. I've also started walking with only holding one hand too. My couch cruising skills are getting faster and I also bend down to pick things up while cruising. I cruise and crawl with food in my hands sometimes, I have a tight grip.
I got to enjoy so many foods in Mexico and use both hands to put (shove) food in my mouth (I love grouper fish)...I am like a squirrel and keep food in my cheeks. I love all foods and love feeding myself. I learned so much from my cousin in Mexico, from eating foods and squealing (screaming) with delight! I got so much attention from the guests, staff and my family I now seek attention by screaming - Mommy is not very happy about this.
My hair is getting thicker and I still have no teeth but drooling as usual for the past 6 months - my shirt is always wet. I go to the library with Mom and crawl to the front of the room to get a close look at the book being read. I really like the Joe Fresh commercial, it always gets my attention when its on and I wave my arms in excitement. I loved swimming in the pool in Mexico and slept in my stroller by the pool for all of my naps, it was so relaxing. I slept a bit on the plane and walked the aisles and played..everyone commented how good I was! I wasn't as good on the way home since I learned to squeal but people still said I was a good travelling baby although I didn't let Mommy sit down for long.
I got to visit my friends before we left for Mexico and attended also a baby shower. I can't wait for Baby B to arrive. I'm such a lucky girl with so many people to love and who love me.