Sunday, 19 April 2015

Stella : The Cherub in our Garden of Life

Well I can't seem to shake the 18th of the month (this one being 14 months since her passing), I don't think I ever will but since Stella one-year angel anniversary I had decided to stop my monthly posts, just as I did with her growth and development updates. After one year I did quarterly updates. I now move forward with my blog and perhaps I will be more haphazard about my once structured posts. 

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Hudson: Helmet Journey Begins

Having a new baby after the passing of another baby is very stressful. We were so happy to welcome Hudson to our family but it has been a very worrisome journey. We are very aware of everything he does, especially at night during his sleep. The back to sleep campaign has been something we have always abide by but in Hudson's case, sleeping on his back caused his head to be misshaped.

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Hudson: 6 months old

It's my half year birthday, what a half year I have had. Mommy and I are keeping busy, we tried a Mommy and baby yoga class and a sensory activity where I got to play with colourful spaghetti. I was apprehensive to touch it but enjoyed watching the other babies play. We also go to playdates with Momstown and grocery shopping with my friend James and his Mommy. 

Stella: 5 months gone and 2 years old

2 years ago at 4:31am was the best moment of my life, Stella Eve was born and little did we know what effect she would have on all of us nor would we know what was to come. I was 36 weeks and 6 days pregnant, at home relaxing when my body decided it was time for Stella to join this world - 3 weeks early.