Saturday, 18 October 2014

Stella : 8 months since that horrible day

8 months have now gone by since that horrible day in February. I can't believe its been that long since we've cuddled our girl we miss so dearly. Stella would have now met her new little brother Hudson..I wish we could experience them meeting. Although we only know Stella as a 19 month old I can only imagine how she would act as a 27 month old (as of yesterday). Would we be dealing with the terrible twos and the extreme determination at this age - probably so! Stella was such a level, even keeled toddler its hard to imagine her any other way but I'm sure as she would have grown these past 8 months things would have changed. I see so much of Stella in her baby brother. He is so familiar to me and similar to his big sister when she was born, although he is definitely more boyish looking! Surprisingly, as always, when we finally arrive at a situation we have been waiting and anticipating, its always been better than what I expected. Stella was part of the delivery with her photo at our side and part of our first family photos by including Baby Stella doll as planned. Hudson has been hearing about his sister Stella and his Dida Mike already. It's still hard to believe she's not here and I don't have both of my children by my side and our family of 4. We are thrown back in time to memories of bringing Stella home as our first born but this time its much harder as our family isn't as it should be and never will be. It's not fair they don't get to meet on another but we are trying to stay positive and enjoy these first few weeks together as a little family. Hudson was brought into this world after his Great Grandfather passed away and he is truly a gift to our family that Stella is watching from up above!

 Stella's 8 month update

I am now 8 months old. It's been another busy month as usual! The biggest news is that I started to crawl this past month. I started to pull myself and now I am pushing hard and picking up some speed. I am always grabbing for Mommy's fingers so I can use them stand up and walk around. I don't want to sit and want to walk all the time! I also hate being on my own, I love being with Mommy...reaching for her even when with Daddy. Mommy stays busy with me these days.
I say both Dada and Mama. When Mommy holds me and Daddy come around and when I see him I say Dada. I usually only say Mama when I am upset and crying. Mommy and Daddy also hear me say "hello!" like they say in the morning - I don't quite say the word but make the sound of the word. I clap my hands together, get excited when music is on and wave my arms up and down when I am happy and excited. I pull myself up to the couch and have cruised along the couch trying to grab water glasses, cell phones and the tv remote. When Mommy sits on the ground I crawl onto her lap and up her onto the couch. My crib was lowered as I started to stand in my crib.
Still no teeth but that doesn't stop me from enjoying food. I now eat (suck on) cantaloupe and strawberries. I also had pieces of steamed carrot...feeding myself! I still LOVE puffs. I still drool and gnaw on my fingers so something must be on the way. I love Mama's milk so she doesn't mind that I don't have teeth! I also love to drink water from a straw and tend to chug it like Daddy!
I really enjoy hanging out with all of my baby friends. I love to play and watch others play. I even crawl over to other Mommy's for a visit and cuddle. We are getting ready for our family trip next month...getting summer clothes and gear out and prepped. I cannot wait to "tear up" the resort and cruise around with Cousin J - watch out Cabo - ay ay aye!!