Sunday, 22 March 2015

Stella : 4 months gone

Facebook post from June 18, 2014

Our Stella would be 23 months old yesterday now that she has been gone 4 months today. It's amazing how much used to happen when Stella was around. I realize this when I re-read her monthly updates. Life is definitely different and I probably think about her as much as she used to fill my day while here with us. We are getting more excited for our move in 20 days and now that I am past 6 months pregnant but its just not the same without Stella here by our side. We've kept busy packing and getting ready for our move and our baby boys arrival but wishing she could be part of it although are trying to cherish the times we did have with her but its just not good enough. We hope to refocus this energy on helping the SUDC cause and cure and plan to start thinking of how we will fundraise in the coming years in Stella's memory.

Stella's 4 month update

Hi Family and Friends,
I wanted to let you all know I am now 4 months old! I have been so busy the past month! Mommy and I go to Mother Goose class where we sing songs with other babies. I love to sing along with the songs, even when no other babies do. We also go to Mom and Baby Zumba. Mommy and I dance to all sorts of songs while I sit in my carrier and sometimes I fall asleep during class. The sleep training worked as I now sleep through the night. I get much more rest and wake up happy in the morning after 12 hours in my crib. I decided to roll over this month as well. I've only done it 5 times but I love to be on my tummy. I still love to stand and I can do it quite well with only be held by my hands..I prefer to stand than sit most of the time. I can hold toys with both of my hands and I can also put my own pacifier in my mouth and put it back in when it falls out close to me. My tummy is ticklish now too! I haven't quite started to giggle yet but I sure do love to smile, even to strangers who stop to stare at me at the mall!

I now play in my activity jumper! I don't quite touch the floor yet but I keep myself busy and entertained with the music and toys. I still go to cheerleading practice. I lay on my blanket and watch the girls then I have something to eat and go to bed in my carseat while Mommy coaches. The girls always love to see me! Our family got outdoor professional photos taken this month. We hope to get them soon. I have started to drool like crazy, my tops get all wet. I dressed up for my first Halloween, I was a cupcake. We went to the mall, walked Downtown and visited my neighbours homes for Halloween fun. I also gave out candy to the kids at the door. I've attended a few birthdays but I go to sleep early on other peoples beds..I don't mind if its loud, I sleep anyway. Our family took a trip this weekend to visit Uncle J's new home. I played with Auntie J's doggies and got to know Uncle J and Auntie J much better. I also went to the Santa Clause Parade yesterday and heard about Santa..I slept through the parade and missed Santa, but that's ok, I'm sure I will see him again. 

Halloween 2013

Mommy and I get together with our soccer friends once a month and the neighbours on Friday mornings. I normally just hang and play on my own..I'm quite content playing on my own. One of the older babies James will come up to me and give me hugs and kisses while I play on the playmat. His Mommy is worried he will hurt me but I don't mind, I just let him hug and kiss me.
Mommy thinks my eyes look like her now, especially in the picture called "Stella 4 mos 8". Mommy also has been busy making crafts..she made my headband and my Halloween costume.
Well that's it for this month. I better go as its my nap time at 9:30am...

Love Stella

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