Sunday 5 July 2015

Hudson: Helmet Update 3 months

It's been a little while since I blogged about Hudson's helmet journey, so here goes. We are now about 12 weeks wearing the helmet and had two appointments since my last blog. Hudson is slowly  moving in the right direction and we are very happy with the results!

If you remember, Hudson had about 1.7mm of circumstance growth after 2 weeks of helmet therapy. At our first 4 week appointment (6 weeks with the helmet) Hudson grew another 1.7mm. I was slightly disappointed that he didn't have more growth but realize we are moving in the right direction and that is all that matters. 

His cephalic ratio decreased from 94.8% to 93.3% with the goal being 91% or less. At Hudson's 2nd 4 week appointment his head grew another 3.1mm. I was very happy with this figure as its more than the month before. His cephalic ratio didn't seem to change at all, which is unusual but sometimes has to do with the way his head is positioned on the glass when taking the scan, so it didn't worry me too much as all of the other numbers are moving in the right direction!

Hudson and I ready for his scan, with the sock they put on his head, he never cries or minds!

The oblique diagonal difference is the measurement that looks at the diagonals of his head and the plagiocephaly - which is essentially the bump on the back right side of his head. His right side sticks out more than his left flat side. At his first 4 week appointment it measured at 8mm (the one side sticks out 8mm more than the other side of his head). We are aiming for 5mm or less. At his second and third appointments he went down to 6.9mm and 5.5mm. So we are only 0.5mm away from the goal! 

My happy Hudson

The last figure is the cranial vault assymmetry ratio, Hudson went from 6.3 to 5.4 to 4.6 to now 3.7. The goal is 3.5 or less. Again we are getting close. 

Although I love to focus on the numbers, the true proof is how his head is looking. We are extremely happy with the results and anticipate if he has the same growth this month as last month, the numbers should reflect the same as last month and we should meet all of the goals. This is exciting news as our next 4 week appointment is next week. So this could potentially be his last few weeks. 

With summer weather upon us, I won't lie and say it has been easy but it truly hasn't been difficult. He continues to be a super happy baby and doesn't seem to notice the helmet too much. He is now 9 months old. He does know he has the helmet on as he reaches for the strap every so often and when he doesn't have the helmet on, he still grabs at that part of his head. He hasn't had any red spots or sores. He does get some sweating on the sides of his head and sometimes all over. I try to cool the car down before we go anywhere but its difficult. I give him "helmet free" time when I feel the occasion is necessary! It's now very easy to put the helmet on and off.

I definitely continue to not regret our decision. We have had the most positive reaction from others around us and I mainly think that has to do with Hudson's huge smile! People ask us about it which I love! I don't mind explaining what it's for. Many think its extra safety measures (it definitely does also help with that) and some have thought other random things. We also have parents who have gone through the same therapy approach us. It's nice to speak to others who have gone through the same thing as us.

The helmet is starting to look smaller on Hudson's head as I think he finally had a growth spurt! I didn't know when it would come as it didn't seem to happen at 6 months but now at the 9 month mark, I anticipate some change in the numbers - fingers crossed! It will take some getting used to not having the helmet so I plan to gradually remove the helmet by only wearing it at night and naps for a few weeks. Hudson is on the move, crawling and wanting to walk with our help everywhere. He's very busy cruising from furniture piece to furniture piece. I don't feel the helmet has held him back gross motor wise. He started crawling at the same time as Stella and is cruising just like she did, at the same age. He's very strong and physical so that has a big part to do with it.

That's it for now, I hope to update the blog a little sooner next time so keep your eyes open for a helmet update in a few weeks time and keep your fingers crossed we will be done soon!!

Ps - if you are contemplating getting a helmet for your baby, please remember that its only for a few months time and the results last a lifetime. I stay positive and I think others notice, which has helped with any of my worries about what people might think and the comments we've received. I continue to think the compliments are true compliments and don't read into it!! The younger the helmet therapy starts the better results. If we had started during his 5th month, he would have had 9mm of growth with the helmet!

Look at the results!


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