Thursday, 18 September 2014

Stella : 7 months missed

It's been 7 months today that we lost our sweet Stella. Time is continuing to pass quickly as we have been busy at home and work, its hard to believe Stella is going to miss the arrival of her little brother in a few weeks time. Thinking of two people who aren't here with us, one that will be and one that won't ever be is difficult and wanting to include each into eachothers lives - we know that won't be fully possible. I've had lots of thoughts of how to continue to include Stella in our family - she is always in our thoughts and we talk about her..I plan to hopefully finish Stella's memory wall at our house and to include her Baby Stella doll into our photos in her place. I will pack a photo of Stella to have at the hospital so her little Bro is introduced right away to Stella. Unfortunately this little guy will be exposed to life in a different way than others kids because in order for him to know his sister he will know a part of life that no one should have to know about that early - ofcourse we plan to explain things age appropriately but we can't not tell him about Stella. I say it every month but its crazy to me that she is not here with us and the thoughts of what Stella would be doing - I see how much she grew in her first 7 months but what would this past month include?! Watching my nephew interact with his new little brother is so sweet to watch but very difficult at the same time as I can imagine how Stella would love and welcome her little brother.
Although I know its been hard on everyone, I appreciate everyone sharing their thougths about Stella with me. If anyone has photos that I don't have copies of, I'd love to get them.
Miss you baby girl everyday xoxo

Stella's 7 month update

I am now 7 months old...getting much closer to turning 1! It's always a busy month.. I'm still teething and drooling but no teeth are poking out yet. My hair is growing tons and evening out all over. I love to eat! There really isn't much food I don't like (except green veggies!). Mommy made me home made healthy food which I love. I self feed puffs so quickly now, I pop them in my mouth and love them!
I'm attached to Mommy lately..whenever she leaves the room I look for her but I have had a great time while being babysat by Gran, Grandma and Grandpa, Great Uncle G and Auntie E while Mommy and Daddy have some time out together. I LOVE to blow raspberries just to be silly but I also do it when I am tired or when I don't like food or certain things. I've started to dance when my parents say "Dance Dance Stella!" and I also now jump in my jumper now. I now know how to put one foot in front of the other (see video!) and as you know, I love to stand so now I take off and start walking everywhere with some help. I am a bit apprehensive but am sooo close to crawling. I sit then go on all fours, then sit then go on all fours and nearly pounce forward when I am excited. Sometimes I land on my belly then I act like I am swimming in the pool! I started swim lessons and was worried and clung to Mommy with my head burried in her shoulder but now after two more lessons, I splash so much that Mommy gets all wet and her makeup runs down her face! My legs kick under the water and I can float on my back wearing a life jacket. The instructor is amazed at me!
I got my passport and am ready to go on vacation in April to Cabo Mexico with the entire family..I can't wait to see my cousin J! Until then, I am here in the snow. We had a huge snow storm with over one foot of snow on our street. I sat outside in my snow suit for the first time in snow! I looked like a pink little eskimo in my snowsuit!
I'm still watching my sign language dvd's and I've started to do one of the signs! I sign "eat"..I put my hands together and tap my mouth a few times. I don't really know what it means yet but I am signing! I celebrated and watched my first Superbowl..I was decked out in red, white and gold with a matching headband but it was too bad that Daddy's team didn't win, probably because I stopped cheering for them when I went to bed.
I keep growing and getting taller and thinner! I'm such a busy body, I don't stop touching anything I can get my hands on especially cell phones and the tv remote and put them in my mouth. I sit on the couch with Daddy, pull myself up and crawl and wrestle all over him. I even stand myself up on my own. You would think I can walk or crawl by the way I am all over the place!

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