Thursday, 5 January 2017

What's on My Plate for 2017?

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I've tried writing this blog several times over the past few days. It's funny how a bit of extra time has made us a little lazier lately?! Sean came down withe flu which in turn did me in for parenting in his place for a few days, leaving me exhausted as well. 

Lazy days over the holidays with my boys!

I had all well intentions of posting about my new year thoughts and ideas on what is to come for our family in 2017 but it hasn't come together well, mainly because I have changed my mind several times.

There are so many things I want to do, along with many other mom's I'm sure. Eat better, lose weight, take more time for myself, the list goes on and on. It's overwhelming and I think we as mom's are essentially setting ourselves up to fail, at least in our own minds. Why give yourself so many negative resolutions versus working on a few positives in your life and the other things may come along with it?

Santa came to our house!

Instead of spreading myself thin with a myriad of things I'd like to work on, let's get a grip here and remember I am still in the early days with my twins and still trying to figure out our new life! Hudson will be home with me one day a week so we are only adding to the craziness.

To start, I'd like to deal with one major issue - SLEEP. Aren't we all lacking it?

In order for me to tackle working out, taking time for myself (blog!), eating better, feeling better, spend more time with family, I need SLEEP. And how am I going to get it? I need to start with Mr. C-Rad; Conrad. 

Sleepy Conrad with Daddy and Walker

He doesn't have any health issues holding him back from getting some good sleep. He has been feeding every 2.5 hours through the night lately and it is time for him to start sleeping through the night. 

With everything we have going on lately, sleep habits have been on the back burner. With my first two babies, I would regularly put them down for naps at a set time each day. Sleep has always been important but I had longed for it with my singletons whereas with twins, I think I simply expect to not get it. I am going to change that.

Giving ourselves small goals is more realistic and reachable as a busy twin mom. I figure if Conrad gets more sleep, I in turn will get more sleep, the next thing I will work on is my marriage which has also been on the other back burner. 
Christmastime activities at our house this year
We don't have any specific issues but we are going through what most couples do when you have a baby. You become so busy and tired that you don't take time alone and away from your children. It's all about the kids, their health, their interests, them growing into little people. 

It is important for us to reconnect so that we can work together as a team for our family. I know what is happening is normal but I don't like it. I don't like not being as close and affectionate as we used to be. I don't like not having time or energy to have real conversations and to be able to discuss what we are feeling and how the other makes us feel. Giving our relationship the time and energy it needs is going to make us stronger parents. I have to keep this in mind. As moms and parents, we often feel guilty spending time away from our kids but we need this to get back to feeling like the couple we used to be and ourselves as individuals. It will bring so much more to our children and family.

Christmas Morning opening a gift for Walker
As I tackle the sleep situation in this household, I will update you all on my next mini goal for this year. Until then, we continue to work on Walker's weight otherwise I do not want to put any more pressure on myself than what I can (or can't)  already handle. I have a lot on my plate and need to remember that, I can only do what I can! 


  1. Thanks for this very thoughtful message Kristina that should resonate for so many moms.

  2. hey christian seems you are having such a fun filled christmas season with the boys enjoy your festivities and pass my good tidings to the chidren too

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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